Friday, September 9, 2011

Renewed Effort and a Tree Bed!

Yes, I know it's been AGES since I've posted, but since I'm pretty sure I only have about four readers, I didn't think it was a big deal.  However, since my little boy is in FIRST GRADE now, I have all day in which to discipline myself and post on a regular basis.  We'll see how that goes.  No one hold their breath. 

Today I'm posting about this amazing bed.   See, I have this secret dream (well, not-so-secret anymore) that I'm really a fairy princess living in the human world.  If that were true, then this would be the bed for me!

This amazing piece of art is completely hand-made!   Check out these fine folks' website HERE.


  1. Truly amazing! Thanks for making me dream if just for a moment.

  2. Can you imagine sleeping in that?! I SO can!

  3. That bed needs a story to go with it. It's beautiful!
